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Frcaso World best herbal Tea company

Connecting With Traditional India!!!

Balancing of Pitta : Evening Tea

Pitta evening tea is designed for proper digestion and detoxification. Help slash your hunger and cravings, but it will also aid in the natural detoxification of the body. So drink this ayurvedic tea every evening and enjoy good health and proper digestion! It also detoxifies the body, purifies blood, rejuvenates the skin, and enhances immunity. It is rich in antioxidants and has no added flavors or preservatives.


Pitta evening tea is designed for proper digestion and detoxification and contains a perfect blend of herbal ingredients like musta, cumin, manjista, Haridra, Yasti, Triphala and others that help in pacifying Pitta dosha.
Not only will this tea help slash your hunger and cravings, but it will also aid in the natural detoxification of the body. So drink this ayurvedic tea every evening and enjoy good health and proper digestion! It also detoxifies the body, purifies blood, rejuvenates the skin, and enhances immunity. It is rich in antioxidants and has no added flavors or preservatives.

Manjista is an herb that is known to help balance the pitta dosha and improve digestion.
Yastimadhu is known to have deepana and pachana properties. They help to improve digestion power and appetite.
Musta and Haritaki: due to their lekhana property promote optimal weight management.
Triphala: blend of Amalaki, Vibhitaki and Haritaki helps in proper digestion and also acts as a mild laxative and bolsters the immune system.
Helps in calming down the pitta dosha, improves intellect and harmonizes the mind.
An adaptogenic herb that helps the body deal with stress. It can also help to improve mental wellbeing.

Health Benefits

  • Calms down the vitiated Pitta dosha.
  • helps in balancing digestion and metabolism
  • Effective in bloating and intestinal gas
  • Promotes optimal weight management.
  • Helps slash your hunger and food cravings at night.
  • Acts as a mild laxative
  • Bolsters the immune system
  • Helps to relax the mind and sound sleep
  • Strengthens the nervous system
  • Loaded with antioxidants helps in absorbing nutrients that have powerful effects on the body.
  • Calms down restlessness and stress


Manjista | Cumin | Vibhitaki | Patra | Musta | Yastimadhu | Sugandhi | Amalaki | Paccha karpoora | Guduchi | Haridra | Haritaki

Additional Info

Weight: 100grm



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The Tridosha you need to know

Ayurveda describes health as the result of harmony among the three doshas. Our survival and ability to fight diseases are dependent on how well we can adapt to our environment. If one of these doshas is dominant or weaker than the others, it can cause imbalance and even lead to diseases.


The air and space element interact with each other to develop the resultant properties of vata dosha which include: dryness, lightness, roughness, and mobility.


The interaction of water and fire element in the body develops Pitta dosha. The properties of the resultant Pitta element are oily, absorbent, hot, light, odorous, fluid, and liquid.


When the earth element in the body (mainly contributed by the solid food that we consume) interacts with the water element in the body (which is present in the form of water we drink), they form Kapha dosha.
How do Fracaso Herbal Teas benefits??

Herbal teas are a great way to relax and get your mind off things. While many people consider herbal tea just another form of tea, it contains many more ingredients than regular tea. Herbal teas have been used for centuries to treat everything from headaches and heartburn to sore throats and depression.

Herbal teas are made from various ingredients steeped in hot water and then strained out. They are often consumed after meals to aid digestion and provide additional nutrition for your body.

Herbal teas can help you relax after a stressful day at work by soothing your nerves and clearing your mind before sleep. They may also help with digestion problems caused by eating too much or not enough food or drink during the day.”




Provides plethora of health benefits
fit for the present lifestyle

100% Natural

100% Natural

Rich in numerous amounts of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

Peace of mind

Peace of mind

Helps in fighting stress, anxiety and depression in this dynamic business world

Weight loss and digestion

Weight loss and digestion

Assists in weight loss and treats all digestive issues.

Reduce Inflammation

Reduce Inflammation

Assists in weight loss and treats all digestive issues.

Skin Health

Skin Health

Slow down ageing process, making your skin look unblemished.

Food Craving

Food Craving

Slash your false food cravings and helps in natural detox of body.



Antioxidants and nutrients that strongly affect the body

Sound Sleep

Sound Sleep

Reduces stress and makes your mind happy. induces sound sleep at night.

Brewing Instructions

  • Fill a teakettle or saucepan with 150 ml of freshly filtered water and bring to a boil.
  • Add 1 tsp. of tea leaf per cup to the lid-covered kettle or pan and heat over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Strain into a cup and serve hot. Compost the tea leaves
  • Slowly  Relax & Enjoy Sip by Sip warm tea.


  • The content of this Web site is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • Please consult a doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have regarding a health issue.
  • Do not overlook professional medical advice or delay in searching because of something you read about on this site.

It can take anywhere from two weeks to a month or more before you begin to see changes in your body. It’s essential to stick with it for at least three months before deciding if the tea is helping or not.

You can scan the QR code on the machine or website to find your body type by scanning the tongue with your phone or tab.

Step 1. To find your body type, scan the QRCode on a machine with your phone or tablet (you don’t need a particular app).

Step 2. Our Artificial Intelligence engine will tell you if your dosha is Pitta, Vata, or Kapha.

Step 3. You can now order the suggested blend of tea according to your dosha.

Step 4. Consume Fracaso herbal tea at three different times throughout the day.

Our Herbal teas are a tasty blend of herbs, spices, and superfoods that are guaranteed to keep you feeling great every day. And because it’s made with Ayurvedic principles, it addresses an individual’s body type—helping you feel energized and vibrant while helping you stay on track with your daily schedule.

We suggest getting assessed every month. for better results.


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