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Staying Healthy is Easy- You Just Have to Start!

The Tridosha you need to know

Ayurveda describes health as the result of harmony among the three doshas. Our survival and ability to fight diseases are dependent on how well we can adapt to our environment. If one of these doshas is dominant or weaker than the others, it can cause imbalance and even lead to diseases.


The air and space element interact with each other to develop the resultant properties of vata dosha which include: dryness, lightness, roughness, and mobility.


The interaction of water and fire element in the body develops Pitta dosha. The properties of the resultant Pitta element are oily, absorbent, hot, light, odorous, fluid, and liquid.


When the earth element in the body (mainly contributed by the solid food that we consume) interacts with the water element in the body (which is present in the form of water we drink), they form Kapha dosha.
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